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7 ways to make your home happier and healthier

From colour to decluttering, here are 7 expert tips to help transform your home into a happy and healthy place for you and your family

7 ways to make your home happier and healthier

24 March 2020

We believe coming home each day should be a joyous experience. Interior stylist, Emma Blomfield, Feng Shui consultant, Liz Wiggins, and psychologist, Jacqui Manning, reveal some tips to help transform your home into a happy and healthy place for you and your family.

1.     Colour your world

Experts agree the colours we use in our homes can have a huge impact on our wellbeing.

“Colours promote different feelings and physiological responses,” says Jacqui.

“Red is stimulating and can raise the heart rate, while blue is intellectual and soothing.

“Yellow, can encourage an optimistic and positive mood. Be guided by what works with the style of your home, the light available your personal taste.”

7 ways to make your home happier Mike Baker 
Picture: Mike Baker

2.     Live clutter free

“If you imagine everything in your home connected to you with an invisible string, too much stuff starts to tie you down and drains you of energy,” says Liz.

“When it’s time to discuss decluttering with clients, I look at something and tell them: ‘If you love it, keep it. If it drains you or brings up any negative feelings, get rid of it.’”

7 ways to make your home happier AW Creative 
Picture: AW Creative

3.     Breathe easy

A Harvard study proved plants can extend our lives and improve our mental health, and greenery inside your home is also known to improve air quality by removing toxins and producing fresh oxygen.

7 ways to make your home happier Marten Bjork 
Picture: Marten Bjork

4.     The company you keep

Liz recommends implementing some Feng Shui principles in the home.

 “If you would like to invite a relationship, try and have things in pairs: Two pillows, two matching bedside tables and so on.” 

“Pets can also be wonderful company and can bring positivity and happiness to any environment,” Jacqui says.

7 ways to make your home happier Matt Odell 
Picture: Matt Odell

5.     Start at the front door

Do your best to make your home a place you enjoy coming home to – and that begins before you even walk in the front door.

Place items you enjoy looking at in your entryway to make coming home after a long day feel like a little slice of heaven.

7 ways to make your home happier Cotton On 
Picture: Cotton On

6.      Play the long game

Like the fashion industry, trends come and go.

Emma says “Purchasing well once, rather than purchasing replacement pieces because items don’t last, will ensure you feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in your home space.” 

7 ways to make your home happier Derick Mckinney 
Picture: Derick Mckinney

7.     Switch off

While we love a smart home, our experts agree there should come a time in each day where technology takes a backseat.

 “Bedrooms [in particular] should be free of any electronics and should be considered a place to rest and rejuvenate,” says Jacqui.

Originally published on as ‘7 ways to make your home happier and healthier’ (

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