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RAMS Saver terms of electronic verification of identity

Electronic verification

By selecting "YES – I WOULD LIKE TO USE ELECTRONIC VERIFICATION" you agree to RAMS making an identity verification request (verification request) and disclosing your name, residential address, and date of birth (personal information) electronically on your behalf using Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Ltd (Equifax) (previously known as Veda Advantage Information Services and Solutions Limited) ABN 26 000 602 862 in accordance with these terms.

We may ask Equifax to provide an assessment of whether your personal information matches (in whole or part) to personal information held by Equifax. Equifax may prepare and provide a verification assessment to us. Equifax may use your personal information, and personal information of other individuals to prepare the verification assessment.

You also appoint RAMS as your agent to contact Commonwealth and State Government agencies and private sector organisations (database owners) electronically on your behalf using Equifax, to verify the personal information you have provided to Westpac, including your mobile number and email address. The database owners will only be used where you provide additional document details for verification, for example details for your Driver’s Licence or Medicare card.

For more information on how the database owners handle personal information, please refer to the database owners’ privacy policies on their website, or contact them individually to get more information.

Equifax that owns and / or manages the following databases

Consumer Credit Report

Commercial Credit Report

Equifax Public Records

National Tenancy database

Commonwealth Electoral Roll

Insurance Reference Database

Equifax Phone Number Directory

Various Commonwealth Agencies


Australian Passport Office, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Various State Government Authorities

ACT Road Transport Authority

NSW Roads and Traffic Authority

QLD Transport and Main Roads

VIC VicRoads

WA Main Roads Western Australia

SA Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

Northern Territory Government - Department of Transport

Tasmanian Government - Department of Transport

Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages

Note: The confirmation of your identity using the credit reporting information will not be recorded as an enquiry on your consumer credit report.